Why Should I Choose Coaching For Leverage?

Finding the right coach is important. Below are some statements that should resonate. If they do, then Coaching for Leverage can help.
Coaching for leverage body and mind

I want direction in my life!

There are many people out there who have lost their direction. In fact, there are too many people out there who have lost their direction. It’s such a common problem that it’s as if we accept that it’s ok to be lost. Well it isn’t!. Sometimes we need to realign ourselves so that we can take the best route to our goals. Coaching will help you look at your life’s bigger picture. It will help you understand the purpose of your life.

Coaching for leverage Achievement

I want to achieve what I've always wanted to achieve!

As we go through our day to day lives, we can get too busy, too complacent, too comfortable. We can end up with a routine that doesn’t bring the real value that we desire for our lives. We find achievement in the number of box sets we watch on Netflix or the number of friends we have on Facebook. This is actually taking us away from what we want to achieve. How can we look back on our lives and think to ourselves that we did something when too much time is not leading you towards your goals?

A coach would help get you motivated towards your goals and help you not only stop wasting much of your time on things that don’t bring value but help you set out what needs to be done to fulfil your life’s ambitions.

Coaching for leverage Focus

I want to focus on what's most important!

With a coach you will establish your overarching main goal. This is usually something that will be achieved after the coaching journey. This goal will mean a lot to you and you will have established the reasons for having it and the value it will bring once it’s achieved. Each session will focus on the steps you are taking and the setting of smaller goals to help you reach the main goal. Having that one to one time helps keep you on track.

I know what I want but I need someone to help me achieve it!

For some of us, it’s about setting the direction. For others, a coach brings accountability. Most of us tend to work for an employer and when they need us to do something, we do it. However, when we are in charge of our own destiny, there isn’t anyone telling us to get this done by this time. Your coach will be the person who helps to hold you to account. Without accountability, your goal may not be achieved.

Coaching for leverage teamwork

I want to become the most efficient version of myself!

Ever spent ages working on something only for you to have done it wrong and had to start again? This could be anything from at home or in the workplace. What if you could plan effectively so that when you set off on the task at hand, you were not only able to achieve it, but also achieve it quickly? This is what helps towards rapid transformation. With such busy lives we get bogged down in so many daily activities and tasks that we don’t find the time to work on ourselves. Being efficient means that all of this can be done in a quicker time, leaving you with even more time to work towards your goals.

Coaching for leverage Efficient

I want to believe in myself!

Sometimes there’s no one else who sees what you see. Sometimes there’s no one else who believes what you believe. Your coach is there for you and no one else. A coach helps you get the confidence you need to become who you want to become. It’s often hard to become motivated and even harder to become confident. Your coach will help you identify these limiting beliefs so that you can address them head on.

Coaching for leverage Efficient
Coaching for leverage win

I want to become a winner!

If you put a search on Youtube for ‘Motivational Speech’, you will see many videos of successful people telling you to get things done. However, if this was really that effective, the millions of people who have watched them would also be living the dream they want. It’s the same with books. Check out those leadership books in the airports and you should expect everyone to arrive at their destination as a new person. It just doesn’t work like that. A coach helps you think like a winner. They will motivate and guide you to changing your mindset and to actually go out there and do it.

Coaching for leverage who am i

I want to know who I really am!

Once I was being coached and I found one particular session touched me deep inside. I was almost brought to tears because the coach helped me identify what was most important to me and what I needed to do. A coach offers a 360 review of yourself. You give your opinion, and the coach reflects what they see of you. This leads to powerful sessions which help you understand yourself. The coach will offer no judgement but will reflect back what you show to them, whether you’ve realised you’ve shown it or not.

Coaching for leverage who am i

I want to take on a new challenge at work!

There are so many people who don’t enjoy their job. Some say it’s the boss they don’t like. Others feel that their job lacks purpose. With a coach you can create the drive, momentum, and results you feel will help you create the career you want. Whether a new job or developing yourself within your current workplace, a coach can support you with this. Through coaching you will build your confidence, leadership capabilities and skill-set to become an outstanding individual.

I want to develop my body and mind!

One of the first activities I do with my clients is called “The Wheel of Life”. It helps to break down the key areas of your life so that you can see what needs attention and the areas which you are doing well in. In certain cases we may be so driven towards our careers that we forget about the impact it is doing to our mind and body. A coach can be versatile. They can help you with leadership skills and how to live a healthier life.

Coaching for leverage body and mind