by Paul Martin

Past, Present and Future


Coaching For Leverage Life and performance coaching coach Time Management

The past, present and future. A coaching perspective. 

Our lives can be broken down into 3 parts; the past, the present and the future. 

The Past

It’s clearly obvious that the past is anything which came before the point we are at now. We will identify the past through the stories we tell ourselves of our past experiences. 

We learn our lessons from the past. 

What was dangerous. “Oh, i’ll never do that again!”

What we love. “Mmm chocolate. My favourite!”

Things we learn. “I must drive on the left”.

Things we should have done. “Why didn’t I start learning that language sooner?”

Our pasts are huge. A whole lifetime of experiences and decisions which have led you to this point. Reading this. For some reason you are here and not in one of the infinitely other versions of ‘there’ which you could have been in. 

Our past is full of stories which have created the person reading this. However, what’s happened in the past is still in the past and we cannot do anything about it. If your past was perfect and a wonderful experience and it seems like it gets better and better then you are one of the blessed ones. 

The reason why I say this is because your life will seem to always get better. There will have been aspects that may have seemed perfect to you, but what if you didn’t see the bigger picture? What if it could have been even better?

The Present

This is where you are right now. Everything that you have done has brought you to this point. Question is; are you happy in how you made it here? Are you happy with the way you are at the moment?

You are now down to two main options. You can continue with the course of action you have taken. I don’t mean quit your job, but let the flow of life take you wherever you need to be. 


You could make an active decision to make a significant positive change to your life through being coached at Coaching for Leverage. 

Here’s why…

The Future

When I gave you the first option of carrying on as you are, it meant that the future was coming at you like your past had gone before. What you weren’t happy with in the past, you will not be happy with in the future. The potential you identified in the past will not be identified in the future.

However, if we look at the second option we see a different picture. 

Through coaching we will establish your dream goal. We will take into account all the past experience you have had and create a plan so that you can become the best version of yourself. This will mean that you recognise your faults and you address them. Coaching for Leverage will help you learn from this. Not only learn to avoid them, but to actually use it to help you recognise what you are actually capable of. 

There is no better investment than investment on yourself. 

This article was written by Paul Martin. Head Coach at Coaching for Leverage.

Want to find out more?

CLICK HERE to read our Ultimate Guide to Coaching. This is especially useful if you are wondering how to find the right coach for you. 

CLICK HERE to read more about what we do at Coaching for Leverage and how we can help you. 

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Tel: +44 7884 945423

About the author 

Paul Martin

Paul Martin is the head coach at Coaching for Leverage. Check out the About section to find out more information about him. You can email him direct on 

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