Pick The Package That's Right For You

Below you will find our most popular coaching packages. If you would like to find out more about them, please either email us at the address at the bottom of the page or book a Free Call. The Free Call will give you 30 minutes to ask any questions you may have. 

'Bring your a-game' coaching programme

Our rapid transformation programme to deliver quick results

  • Focus on the 3 A’s; Attitude, Ability and Accountability
  • Weekly 1 hour coaching sessions
  • Completed within 4 weeks
  • Focus on rapid change with accountability to ensure success
  • Twice per week contact through text or email
  • 1 to 1 coaching
First 90 days leadership coaching 

Tailored for those starting a new job or role.

  • 3 month intensive support programme
  • Tailored tools to support your goals
  • Once per week contact through text or email
  • Fortnightly 1 hour coaching sessions with guiding resources
  • 1 to 1 coaching
  • Free First 90 Days book