by Paul Martin

8 goal setting questions that will make any driven teacher think


Coaching For Leverage Life and Performance Coaching Coach Leeds Near Me Why Coaching For Leverage8 goal setting questions that will make any driven teacher think

8 goal setting questions that will make any driven teacher think

Whenever I start to coach a client, we spend a couple of hours discussing their background, values and where they want to be at the end of the coaching journey.

One of the key steps in any coaching is to create goals. Great goals come from great questions and so I thought it would be good to give you an insight into some of the questions you may be asked.

To gain maximum benefit from this, make sure you write your answers down. You don’t need to answer every one, but this should hopefully get you thinking.

  1. What do you love doing?

  2. What do you hate doing?

Our first two questions above can be written down as 2 lists. It’s a good opportunity to see what your focus should be on. Is it going to be moving forward with something you love, or correcting something you hate?

  1. What are your current issues?

Similar to Q2 but this is more about the stumbling blocks that you have going on. Your coach would be there to help you overcome them.

  1. What would be your goal if you knew you could not fail?

This is the high aspiration goal. The moon shot!

  1. What do you really, really want?

No, these are not Spice Girls lyrics! What do you want? Doesn’t matter if it’s embarrassing or sounds crazy, I’m here to help you achieve it.

  1. What are the 3 things that would make the biggest difference to you right now?

Forget about everything else, it’s down to only 3! Really think about what that difference will be and what it would mean to you.

  1. What’s the outcome you want from this?

You may not have shared this with anyone before, but think deeply about this. It could change your life for the better.

  1. What if we could double your goal?

Gulp! I’ll leave that one there.

As a Personal Performance Coach I work with people to become a better version of themselves. If you feel that these questions have made you think about the potential you have, then please make contact. In a few months from now, you will be thanking yourself!

Recommended Reading

Motivation + Habits = Success

You’re probably aware that there have been many people who have a track record, brought a team together but later down the line the impact they were making came to a standstill. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, we want to look at the simple calculation;

Motivation + Habits = Success

Is it worth getting a Life and Performance Coach?

Yes it is worth getting a life and performance coach it because it can help you transform your life and career so you can reach goals you have only ever dreamed of. There is a surprisingly high number of successful people out there who managed to get to where they are now through being supported and challenged by a coach.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is the coming together of two parties whereby one acts as a catalyst (the coach) to improve outcomes for the other (the coachee) through support and challenge. A coaching session can focus on any aspect of life such as career, family, wealth and health.  

About the author 

Paul Martin

Paul Martin is the head coach at Coaching for Leverage. Check out the About section to find out more information about him. You can email him direct on