the Challenge to transform your life

Feature 1

You will receive the 21 Day Transformation Challenge Workbook at the start of each week to download. This will guide you through the week's activities. 

Feature 2

You will receive a daily email each morning giving you the day's challenge. You use your workbook to help you complete the activities and reflect on them.

Feature 3

You are going to receive lots of great tools and questions which you can use to develop yourself. These are tools a professional coach uses with clients. It's all yours and it's free!

Feature 4

The best feature of all? It will be the transformation you will have made once you have reached day 21.


Input your name and email address below. Check your emails to confirm acceptance of the challenge. Your 21 Day Transformation Workbook will be sent to you and your challenge will begin the following morning. 

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Your journey to transformation has now started!


What people have said about Coaching for Leverage...

Getting My Time Back

I reached out as I was trying to work on time management. Throughout the sessions, Paul helped me realise that time management isnt actually something I want at this period of time. Paul has been most undurstanding and patient.He listend and did his best to understand me and my subjects, he took the time to get to know what is it I do and how he can help me best. I couldn’t recommend him enough. Many thanks.

Radmila Georgieva

Before I started coaching with Paul, I was a little lost with my direction. My self esteem was low and I lacked motivation. Speaking to Paul has had an incredible effect on me. He has helped me to realise what is important to me, what I want from life, and how I plan to get there. With his support, I set clear goals and targets. I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone, held myself accountable and challenged myself on a daily basis. I would not have done this without Paul. Without Paul I would have given up on my new business and gone back to working for an employer. Paul has given me the confidence to be me and to continue on my journey to make my business a success.


Create The Path And Make The Journey

I worked with Paul over a number of sessions and benefited from each session. Paul challenged me to understand the why, what, when and how of my business. He made me think about the path I could take to drive my business forward and what I need to do to get there. Each session was enjoyable and challenging. I needed to be held accountable and Paul gave me that whilst pushing me forward. I would thoroughly recommend Paul Martin. If you are looking for a business coach who knows how to challenge you whilst bringing clarity to your thinking, contact Paul.

Irene S

Making A Bigger Difference To My Life

I feel really comfortable working with Paul. He has made a big difference to my life already. Thank you!

Robert Smith

A Clearer Picture Of The Future

Paul helped me create a clearer picture of the future I wanted to have. I was then able to work towards the goals I never thought were possible. Thank you!


The Belief To Find More

I have worked with Paul for a while now. He is an inspiration. I felt I was a long term disappointment to myself, but now I am seeking new opportunities.
